Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Can you make a business out of prison uniforms?

Yes you can. Its amazing how many pictures of prison uniforms we see in the newspapers every year. Last year one of my fundraising trainees in The Fundraising Academy ( one of my other businesses) did the Innovation workshop using the newspapers and actually thought of the idea of  custom making inside the prisons, the prison uniform. I thought at the time it was a great idea. A new fashion trend and nothing I had ever heard of! But then I thought why not create a fashion trend at all prisons across the world. God knows how many prisons there are and this translates literally into thousands of patterns, colours, and brands in many many countries.
So how would one start a venture like this.
Well I always promote the idea of testing a new concept.
Testing means; can you make it, and will it sell.
I have decided to write to 100 prisons across the world and see if they want to participate in the concept: Take old prison uniforms and custom make them for sale within the prison system.
The clothes will be designed with professional designers from that area and produced inside the prison.
Once the clothes have been designed, and manufactured I will set up a web page for online sales across the globe.
The company will make money controlling the process, selecting the designs, marketing and distribution.
The prison will get a share of the profits.
A fund for prisoners will be created and donated to all programs who work with prisoners, the prisoners who participate in the program, and families of prisoners .

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