Thursday, April 28, 2011

Have a lovely lavender filled day

Today was our first day of planting our lavender cuttings at the Zerilda Park Primary School. Our master gardener Vuyesile, taught us all how to take the cutting, trim its leaves, dip it in root growth and plant it properly .Vuyesile really loves his plants

We will be collecting much more cuttings to plant and our little nursery will be filling up quickly.

If you would like to help, we are looking for any planting trays, old yogurt cups or small tins to plant these cuttings in.

We also need to construct a shelving system to stack all our cutting trays (as there will be so many). This gives us more space to plant but also gives the cuttings proper shade which speeds up the growing process. If you have any old wooden planks/pieces or any fiberglass/plastic sheets that you are not using anymore and would like to donate to us, please contact me.

Please see our new Facebook Page on!/pages/Lavender-in-Lavender-Hill/197602146941607 to stay up to date with our project.

Please contact me if you can help with any of the above or know of contacts that could help us.

Have a lovely lavender filled day.

Next Friday CNN will be filming us and we hope to introduce a lavender planting party. we would like a massive crowd there so if you want to join the party call for directions and join us there.


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